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CROSSIN: Intonation at the crossroads
​Speech Prosody s
atellite workshop
Leiden, 6 July 2024

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on intonation from different perspectives so they can enter into dialogue with and learn from one another. 


Scroll down to see the call for poster presentations and the programme

Image by Norbert Staudt

Intonation is studied by different disciplines in which the research focus varies. One element these approaches have in common is that they must all address intonation meaning. This applies whether researchers are mostly interested in the phonological representation of intonation, its interaction with syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, or its role in communication and speech processing. These perspectives complement each other, yet it is often the case that research focusing on one does not give full consideration to the others: for instance, syntactic approaches to the role of intonation in expressing focus may overlook differences in phonological form in focus expression, while pragmatic approaches may assume that each meaning nuance is directly expressed by a different tune; conversely, studies on intonation phonetics and phonology do not always fully consider meaning.  


The aim of this workshop is to reach a more comprehensive view, by bringing together researchers working on intonation from different perspectives so they can enter into dialogue with and learn from each another.


The main questions of the workshop are:

1.  What is the relationship between syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and intonation? Can we expect a one-to-one correspondence between intonation categories or tunes, on the one hand, and focus or other semantic or pragmatic functions, on the other?

2. How can we best understand and model intonation meaning and intonation’s role in conversation and processing?


Keynote speakers

The workshop will include two invited talks each of which will be followed by a commentary approaching the same topic from a different perspective. The invited speakers are: Stavros Skopeteas  (Göttingen) and Anja Arnhold  (Alberta); the commentators are James German (Aix-Marseille) commenting on Stavros Skopeteas’ talk, and Claire Beyssade (Paris 8) commenting on Anja Arnold’s talk. The workshop will end with a general round-table discussion.


Call for poster presentations

In addition to the invited talks and commentaries, we invite abstracts for a poster session addressing the questions above. If there is sufficient interest, poster presentations will be published as a special issue or collection.

Update: The workshop includes a poster session; scroll to programme for details.


Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 10 April 2024

Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2024

Workshop day: 6 July 2024


Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts should be written in English and should present original research not already submitted to Speech Prosody. The text should not exceed one A4 page, though an additional page for references, examples, and figures may also be added. The following formatting conventions apply: Times New Roman font, size 12, 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins, single spacing. Submissions should be sent as anonymized pdf files to by 10 April 2024 at 24:00 AoE. Please provide author details in your submission email, the subject of which should be: crossin submission.

Venue: University of Leiden, Lipsius Building, Room 005



Workshop introduction


Stavros Skopeteas

From prosodic events to focus expressions



James S. German: commentary

Cross-linguistic marking of information structure depends on discourse-functional inventories​




Coffee break and posters


Jennifer Cole, Kate Sandberg, Thomas Sostarics, Rebekah Stanhope, Eszter Ronai. Intonation and its meaning: Beyond essential differences

Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann. Weighting the effects of prosodic, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues on the perception of prominence in German

Matthijs Westera. Rising declaratives and ‘QUD givenness’

Nigel G. Ward & Oliver Neibuhr. The Value of Prosodic Constructions for Modeling Pragmatics-Related Prosody

Marta Ortega-Llebaria & Jun Nagao. Reconsidering Focus Expression in Pitch-Accent Languages: Insights from Tokyo Japanese

Cristel Portes. Adapting a compositional grammar of intonation meaning in French : some issues

Sam Hellmuth. Hallmark nuclear contours and the expression of indexical versus propositional content

Antje Muntendam. On the relationship between intonation and pragmatics: wh-questions in Santiago del Estero Quechua

Jackson Kellogg & Jonathan Barnes. Illusory perception of high pitch in Amharic intonation

Shinichiro Ishihara. Remapping syntax–prosody mapping: The intonational phrase as the unit of discourse–prosody mapping


Anja Arnhold

How can we best understand and model intonation meaning and intonation’s role in conversation and processing?



Claire Beyssade: commentary

Intonation meaning: between (discourse) semantics and pragmatics 




General discussion and workshop conclusion




SPRINT is the acronym of grant ERC-ADG-835263 titled "Speech Prosody in Interaction: The form and function of intonation in human communication". SPRINT is a 5-year (2019-2024) €2,481,196 research program funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Amalia Arvaniti is the Principal Investigator. SPRINT is based at Radboud University.



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