SPRINT papers and (a selection of) papers by SPRINT team members
Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. 2025. Individual variability and the H* ~ L+H* contrast in English. Language and Cognition. DOI:
Hu, N. & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Individual variability in the use of tonal and non-tonal cues in intonation. JASA Express Letters 4, 095203.
Hu, N., Schnack, H., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Automatic pitch accent classification through image classification. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2024.
Arvaniti, A., S. Gryllia, M. Baltazani. To appear. The complex relationship between the tunes and pragmatics of Greek wh-questions. In R. Eckardt, G. Walkden & N. Dehé (eds.), The Handbook of Noncanonical Questions. Oxford University Press. Preprint available at
Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Hu, N., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Prosodic prominence in Greek: methodological and theoretical considerations. Proc. Speech Prosody 2024.
Kim, J., Hu, N., Gryllia, S., Orrico, R., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Delineating H* and L+H* in Southern British English. Proc. Speech Prosody 2024.
Hu, N., Kim, J., Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Can OpenAI’s TTS model convey information status using intonation like humans? Proc. Speech Prosody 2024.
Arvaniti, A., Katsika, A. & Hu, N. 2024. Variability, overlap and cue trading in intonation. Language 100(2): 265-307.
Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. 2023. The influence of empathy and autistic-like traits in prominence perception. Proc. ICPhS 2023.
Gryllia, S., Kim, J., Orrico, R., Hu, N., & Arvaniti, A. 2023. Accent realization in spontaneous speech: Greek H* and L+H*. Proc. ICPhS 2023.
Ladd, D. R. & A. Arvaniti. 2023. Prosodic Prominence Across Languages. Annual Review of Linguistics 9:171-193.
Gryllia, S., Marcoux, K., & Arvaniti, A. 2022. Using fPCA and GAMMs to investigate categoriality and variability in intonation. LabPhon18: Phonology in a Rapidly Changing World, June 23-25, 2022. Whova virtual event platform [withdrawn due to covid].
Arvaniti, A., Gryllia. S, Zhang, C., & Marcoux, K. 2022. Disentangling emphasis from pragmatic contrastivity in the English H* ~ L+H* contrast. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, 837-841, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-170
Gryllia, S., Arvaniti, A., Zhang, C., & Marcoux, K. 2022. The many shapes of H*. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, 754-758, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-153
Zhang C., Jepson, K., Lohfink, G., & Arvaniti, A. 2021. Comparing acoustic analyses of speech data collected remotely. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/10.0005132, [pdf]
The research reported in the papers below was the inspiration for the project
Arvaniti, Amalia. 2019. Crosslinguistic variation, phonetic variability, and the formation of categories in intonation. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019.
Baltazani, Mary, Stella Gryllia, & A. Arvaniti. 2020. The intonation and pragmatics of Greek wh-questions. Language and Speech 63(1): 56-94. DOI: 10.1177/0023830918823236 [pdf]
Gryllia, Stella, Mary Baltazani, & Amalia Arvaniti. 2019. Evidence for the compositionality of tunes and intonational meaning. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019.
Lohfink, Georg, Argyro Katsika, & Amalia Arvaniti. 2019. Variability and category overlap in the realization of intonation. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019.
Gryllia, Stella, Mary Baltazani, & Amalia Arvaniti. 2018. The role of pragmatics and politeness in explaining prosodic variability. Speech Prosody 2018.