6 July 2024
Venue: University of Leiden, Lipsius Building, Room 005
Workshop introduction
Stavros Skopeteas
From prosodic events to focus expressions
James S. German: commentary
Cross-linguistic marking of information structure depends on discourse-functional inventories​
Coffee break and posters
Jennifer Cole, Kate Sandberg, Thomas Sostarics, Rebekah Stanhope, Eszter Ronai. Intonation and its meaning: Beyond essential differences
Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann. Weighting the effects of prosodic, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues on the perception of prominence in German
Matthijs Westera. Rising declaratives and ‘QUD givenness’
Nigel G. Ward & Oliver Neibuhr. The Value of Prosodic Constructions for Modeling Pragmatics-Related Prosody
Marta Ortega-Llebaria & Jun Nagao. Reconsidering Focus Expression in Pitch-Accent Languages: Insights from Tokyo Japanese
Cristel Portes. Adapting a compositional grammar of intonation meaning in French : some issues
Sam Hellmuth. Hallmark nuclear contours and the expression of indexical versus propositional content
Antje Muntendam. On the relationship between intonation and pragmatics: wh-questions in Santiago del Estero Quechua
Jackson Kellogg & Jonathan Barnes. Illusory perception of high pitch in Amharic intonation
Shinichiro Ishihara. Remapping syntax–prosody mapping: The intonational phrase as the unit of discourse–prosody mapping
Anja Arnhold
Claire Beyssade: commentary
Intonation meaning: between (discourse) semantics and pragmatics
General discussion and workshop conclusion