SPRINT presentations at conferences and workshops
Conference presentations, 2023 on
For conference publications go to Papers
Orrico, O., Gryllia, S., Hu, N. & Arvaniti, A. The role of metrical structure in prominence perception. AISV 2024, February 1-3, 2024.
Kim, J., Hu, N., Orrico, O., Gryllia, S. & Arvaniti, A. The phonetics and pragmatics of H* and L+H* in British English. TAI (Tone and Intonaton) 2023, Singapore, 18-20 November 2023.
Gryllia, S. & Arvaniti, A. Compositionality in intonation: Evidence from Greek. Acoustics 23 Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 4-8 December 2023.
Hu, N. & Arvaniti, A. Individual variation in the use of non-F0 cues in the realization of accentual contrasts. Acoustics 23 Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 4-8 December 2023.
Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. The influence of empathy and autistic-like traits in prominence perception. ICPhS 2023, 7-11 August 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Gryllia, S., Kim, J., Orrico, R., Hu, N., & Arvaniti, A. Accent realization in spontaneous speech: Greek H* and L+H*. ICPhS 2023, 7-11 August 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Orrico, R., Kim, J., Gryllia, S., Arvaniti, A. 2023. The effect of musicality on Rapid Prosody Transcription responses. PAPE 2023 (Phonetics and Phonology in Europe), Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2-4 June 2023.