GRIN: GRadience in INtonation
Lisbon, 27 May 2022
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on different aspects of intonation or adopting different perspectives to discuss how to best handle the issues of gradience, variability and categoriality in intonation.
​You can also find the information about this workshop on the Sociolinguistics Events Calendar.​

The aim of the workshop is to address the following main research questions:
a. How can we best understand the effects of gradience on intonation? Is all gradience paralinguistic? Is gradience the same as variability? Are they distinct? If the latter, how can we disentangle the effects of gradience from those of variability in the realization of intonation?
b. How can we handle variability in the realization of intonation? What are the sources of variability in intonation? How can we deal with variability across languages and linguistic varieties? Do we need to incorporate variability in formal models? If so, how? If not, how can it be modelled and predicted in production? How should we study its effects in the processing of intonation?
c. How can we determine intonation categories? Do such categories exist, and if so, what are best practices for establishing them? Should research on intonation categories rely on production, perception or a combination of both? Are such categories language specific, or universal?​
All sessions will take place in Amphitheatre II (C130) in the Faculalde de Letras building
Workshop introduction
9:15-9:45 Jonathan Barnes, Stefanie Shattuck Hufnagel, Alejna Brugos, & Nanette Veilleux
Hidden gradience? Auditory variability under the analytic radar
9:45-10:15 Francesco Cangemi & Martine Grice
From real speech to intonational categories
10:15-10:45 Amalia Arvaniti (commentary) & Q&A
10:45-11:15 coffee break
11:15-11:45 Jennifer Cole & Jeremy Steffman
Intonational encoding in memory representations: Imitating nuclear tunes in American English
11:45-12:15 Pilar Prieto
12:15-12:45 Bob Ladd (commentary) & Q&A
12:45-14:00 lunch break
14:00-14:30 Mary Baltazani
Language contact as a source of intonational variation in Greek dialects
14:30-15:00 Nicole Holliday
Categorical and gradient variation in intonation across American English dialects
15:00-15:30 Carlos Gussenhoven (commentator) & Q&A
15:30-16:00 coffee break
16:00-16:30 Jelena Krivokapić, Will Styler, &
Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan
Individual differences in boundary perception
16:30-17:00 Jason Bishop
The listener as a source of gradience: Evidence from prominence perception
17:00-17:30 Tamara Rathcke* (commentary) & Q&A
17:30-18:00 General discussion
*Due to personal circumstances, Mariapaola D'Imperio will not be able to join us. We thank Mariapaola D'Imperio for her willingness to do the commentary originally and for Tamara Rathcke for stepping in.